
So excited to finally make it to Tamlapin @tamlapin_botan in Monzennakacho. A hipster bakery starting at 7:30 a.m. in the morning that turns into a cool bar in the afternoon after 3 p.m. 

The wines are all from Hokkaido. I enjoyed a fruity @chitosewinery Kerner with the plate of small bites and ten pieces of bread. I love this combination and only wish I lived closer.

The bakery Tamlapin (which is play on their name, Tamura and pan for bread). The Tamuras are from Hokkaido originally and opened their bakery/wine bar about two years ago. The breads are very popular and sell out in the morning, so go early. Or, wait until 3 p.m. and come for a glass or two of wine or other beverages and this gorgeous plate.

The Tamuras are a lovely couple. The husband takes the early shift and is the baker. His wife comes later in the day and creates these beautiful bread and tapas plates. I am going to try and recreate some of the dishes at home including the fluffy egg salad and a creamy tofu with peanuts mousse.


Kōtō-ku, Botan 3-9-1, Daiichi Green Heights 1st floor

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